Thursday, May 29, 2014

Festa Italia (Isthmus)

Are you game for a spaghetti eating contest?

For those of you local to the Madison area, be sure to stop by Festa Italia this weekend at McKee Farms Park in Fitchburg. To learn more about the event, as well as the group behind it (the longest-running Italian Workmen's Club in the nation, I should add), read my article in the Isthmus.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Books for the World in Isthmus

It brings me joy when I hear about charitable organizations whose mission is two-fold. Books for the World not only helps the environment by keeping large quantities of books and educational materials out of the landfill, but they turn around and give those materials a whole new life in Third World countries. What a win-win!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Brava Magazine: Eating Disorders and Motherhood

I'm proud to share my feature article in April's Brava magazine! I want to thank everyone who contributed to the article and made it what it was. I hope other women can find inspiration in these three women's stories and how hard they have worked to overcome their illness in the face of motherhood.

The Joy of Now

As a parent, it can be so easy to get caught up in the yesterdays and tomorrows: What are we going to do to keep the kids busy this summer? Remember when Johnny was just a baby, and we could cradle him in our arms? 

As a parent in today's world, it's even easier than ever to distract yourself from now. Mobile devices make it possible for a person to distract themselves any second of the day, no matter where they are at that moment. And while we can all make the argument that we are using these devices purposefully ("I'm just shooting off an e-mail for work." or "I'm checking our calendar to see if we're free that weekend."), it's not surprising that research shows that these behaviors are having damaging effects on our children.